Tuesday 30 November 2010

Slimming World Catch Up

1st week on the Slimming World 'plan' went relatively well! Got on the scales Monday night and low and behold I'd lost 4 1/2 lbs! That my friends is what I would call a result!!

However. Yes unfortunately there is a however. My joy at such an accomplishment wasn't evidently shared by others. In group I received a round of applause and thankfully managed to escape too much of an autopsy on the week - I find my confidence in these situations lacking and I go into 'shy mode'. Hey ho. I came out of group simply buzzing and to be perfectly honest, expecting some form of enthusiasm / encouragement from the collective. I got the usual response from significant other - i.e. not too sure how he should respond but making very best efforts (well done by the way). Other responses did unfortunately include just 'oh'.

It was this latter that got under my skin for most of the past week. In fact, it was this latter that smashed my self importance into a million pieces. As a result I spent the rest of the week 'moping' and doubting myself and my ability to achieve this weight loss. I mean hello where is my so called support people!!?

As far as the 'diet' was concerned, last week was a little up and and down to say the least. I have days of eating fruit and salads and drinking lots of water. Then there would be the days where I'd over dose on Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, Magnums, Ryvita Minis and Lemon Sorbet! Not in the same session I very hastily add!!

I went to yesterday's meeting really unsure of what results I'd have achieved. Honestly with what I had been eating, I could have lost weight, but then again, I could have very easily maintained or gained! I really had no clue!

Stepping on those scales turned out not to be so bad after all 2 1/2 lbs lost which makes half a stone lost in 2 weeks - very happy chappy! In addition to this, group went really well - had lots of fun. It was great catching up with the neighbours, asking about others progress etc.

During group our consultant, Elaine, gave us each a party bag. In it she had given us:
A balloon - to remind us of Slimming World
An elastic band - to remind us to be flexible with our diet and ourselves
A single Malteser - to allow us to have something sweet for emergencies (I gave mine to R as I'm not really into sweet things!)
A small golden miniature clothes peg - to remind us to 'hang on in there'
and finally, which has actually turned out to be my most favourite item in the bag
A Stone - to remind us that Elaine / Slimming World are always there for support when we need it. In fact Elaine said that anytime we needed support just rub the stone and think of her!

What I have learned over the past two weeks is above all else, I personally just need support and positive encouragement without strings. What do I mean by that? well I'll give you an example. I can't remember which one of the collective said this to me, but when I told of my results for this week, the response I got was:
'Oh that's good! Just think what you would have lost if you hadn't of eaten the other stuff'.

It's like giving a compliment in one hand, but then snatching it straight back again with the other. It's like teasing the dog with his favourite toy, letting him to snap at it, but never actually giving it to him 100% to play with.

What would have been better was if the person in question just simply said 'oh well done!'. That's it. End of story. Say no more!!

Hey ho, on with the next week. I'm looking forward already to next weeks weigh in. I'm fired up now. We've already had the Slimmer of the Week and Slimmer of the Month awards.

Next week my goal is to be Slimmer of the Week. And oh yes, I will also be getting that Slimmer of the Month award by the end of December too - just you watch, and wait and see!


Tuesday 16 November 2010

Slimming World

Do you ever have one of those moments where everything just seems so simple, and so crystal clear?

I must to confess to such a moment whilst on my recent holiday. One day I woke up, and came to the conclusion that as soon as I returned, I would join slimming world, start exercising again, stick with it, and once and for all get rid of all this excess baggage I've been carrying around with me.

One thing to make the decision, a totally different one to act upon it. I'm at sea in the middle of the med, so what possibly can I do to take those 'first steps'.

Firstly I worked out on pen and paper what it is I actually wanted to achieve - trying to take on a one step at a time strategy. I worked out my targets (weight & dates when to achieve them) by using the 2lbs off per week idea. Yes this takes a long time to get me to my ultimate goal, but hey lets face it, the 'I want to lose 1lb per day every day for the next four months didn't come to anything so it really is time for a different tact).

I also wrote down an 8 week exercise plan for myself - again starting small and manageable, for week one I'll only be walking 15 minutes on the treadmill, but ensuring I do it every single day. The idea at this stage is to create that habit of getting up in the morning, and cracking on with exercise - which I do enjoy doing when I get into the habit! But it's making it into an 'automatic' habit - that's what I am trying to achieve, and then building upon that.

Ok so exercise sorted! Now the diet!!

Well thankfully we are living in the age of super duper technology - so second port of call (so to speak) was the on board Internet cafe to look up what my options were with regards to days, times and location of nearest meeting.

The Slimming World Website made this stupidly easy for me to do - type in post code: check. Oh, and up pops half a dozen possibles. Hey presto I find the one ideal for me, on the day I want and at a time that suited most (must be fate or something!).

I returned from holiday yesterday - and to be frank, was most keen to get going! I rang the consultant up to ensure that the meeting still actually took place, and confirmed times and payment etc.

That very same evening, off I popped to meeting. I was buzzing. The atmosphere was buzzing. So far, all seems so good. I got weighed at the end (turns out I lost 2 / 3lbs whilst on holiday! but that's unofficial) and now I am literally up, ready and raring to go!

This morning I have achieved my first set of toning exercises along with 15 minutes walking on the treadmill - and am feeling fab on that account.

I was worrying slightly about food, as in, what should I have as my 'first meal'. However good old ma purchased a lovely bowl of fruit whilst we were away so its fruit for breakfast me thinks, followed by cheese and ham pasta for lunch (an old SW fave of mine, got me through many a lunch time that did last year!) and then just need to figure out what I'll do for tea.

Really excited, need to keep this momentum up now. Fingers crossed for a good week, and hoping for a good weigh in next Monday. In my mind if I lose 5lbs I'll be happy, if I lose 7lbs I'll be walking on sunshine :D