Tuesday 29 November 2011

Coaching - part 2

oh my goodness!!!!

Life has certainly got a little more interesting to say the least! Following on from the last post, I eventually did manage to get hold the the coach, she actually emailed me back from Kathmandu (of course! where else!) and said she wouldn't be in the country until after the 20th Nov. Not as bad as you first may think because in the mean time I was given my first 'task', which was to listen to Paul McKennas hypnosis CD consistently every day and keep a log of the date / time CD was listened to - which I did!!

With me it's all about consistency - in that I never used to be, so making a point to listen to some hypnosis every night for the past three weeks (I'm still going ya know!) is quite an achievement for me!!

So that was then, let's skip forward three weeks to now.

Yesterday I had my first one to one with Life Coach Dawn - let me just repeat my sentiments at the start of the post - oh.......my.......goodness!!!!!!

I was more nervous about finding the place then I was about the actual coaching itself, but thankfully the journey turned out to be a very straight forward.

Have to say, it wasn't too long into the session before I 'knew' that 'this' was 'right' - I wont go too much into detail regarding what we discussed etc, but needless to say after just over an hour of info dumping from both sides, I have come away with my plan of action for this week, as well as a log sheet to tick off when said tasks have been done! At one point I had to look her right in the eye to convince her I was going to follow through with a couple of the items on the list - scarily hilarious experience I can tell you, but at least she could see at least in that moment I was certain of success!!

The key for me really is consistency in following through with basic actions. This week, some of the items on my focus list is: getting up at 6am, taking tablet, having breakfast, walking dogs twice a day, listening to hypnosis track. AS you can see it's not difficult stuff, the point is more about taking consistent positive action so that you carve out good solid habits.

Last night, I did take the dogs on their first evening walk - I don't know who exactly was more shocked, me or them! But at least that was another tick in the box.

This morning I awoke at 5:50am, so that's one more tick, and any second now I shall embark upon breakfast so that'll be the 3rd tick for the day!!

Wednesday 9 November 2011


It's only been half an hour or so since I last blogged, but already I have taken some positive action (and am starting to feel a little more motivated / happier with myself!).

Went onto the Life Coach Directory again - after all where else would you go to find a coach!? Anyway, after trolling down the list I have selected one coach who looks like they fit the bill nicely. I know, before you start jumping up and down on me about looking around some more, but I got one of those 'feelings' about this one.

I have emailed her to ask for some more info and am anxiously awaiting response. This is either a lesson in responding to emails as soon as you receive them, or a lesson for me to practice patience! most likely it is the latter, I'm just keen!

Am expecting a telephone consultation, possible 'hard sell', and then for me to sign up to a million weeks worth of sessions! (I jest about the latter of course, really it'll be half a million!!).

Seriously though, it would be really good to have some one to one personal motivation / solver of internal turmoils etc.

After looking at fb page & website I see photo's and links to good ole Paul McKenna - another reason why I'm already 3/4's sold on this particular coach. Maybe she'll motivate me to follow through with his stuff! Oh who knows, brain has gone into over drive, as has internal aches & pains, time for some peppermint tea and some meditation (or something) as I'm internally as wound up as something that is wound up very tightly (even metaphors are escaping me this morning! arrrggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!).

And breathe...........

Weigbht Loss Count Down - Day Two

Well, here we are, I have made it to day two! Yesterday was a bit crappy if I am totally honesty, although I think you could see that from yesterdays blog.

It didn't start well, and for various reasons didn't end well either. Bad mood for most of the day, managed to let off steam slightly at a practically all day marketing meeting, and then singing practice in the evening helped to ease things slightly too.

Food wise, haven't been too impressed with myself, I could have done better for a first day at least, however, I have logged all my food and drink intake on the video blog so at least I am actually be honest with myself (for once).

No change in weight this morning, although after yesterday I am not surprised, but at least it didn't go up. Again, I will weigh myself everyday and log the weight. If it goes up or down, I'll log it so I can get more aware of the consequences of my actions.

Woke up this morning with what only can be described as excruciating heartburn (at least that's what I think it was, I've never had it before, either that or it was the on comings of gallstones again, but I'm going to think of it as the former). Consequently this morning I am having some Andrews (an anti acid) to try and calm my insides down, and may have a few green alkalising drinks just to neutralise my body a bit.

Still on the look out for a coach, am starting to think that my heart really isn't in it, or maybe I am just being too picky. Am worried about the cost naturally, as this is an expensive time of year, need to at least email to make first contact with a few, check out prices at least.

Would be good to get a personal trainer again, but again alas, money will have to dictate otherwise. Until I can get my weight sorted and the coaching business off the ground riches are on hold, whilst rags seem to be the current trend in fashion.

Sorry, still not feeling 100% bright and bubbly this morning, but at least I'm not as doom and gloom as I was yesterday - which is what they call progress! So I'll just hang onto that thought :)

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Yet another 100 days weight loss countdown

Just read the title of another blog I'm following which sums up my current mood to perfection 'fat, forty & fecked off'. Well ok, swap the 40 for (almost) 31, and hey presto! that's me!

Managed to get rid of the prolonged cold, and in it's place, my back decided it'd have a go cos it thought it was hard enough. Oh mores the pity, honestly, I have been walking around the house practically bent double like friggin Notra dame! I've been taking pills like they're going out of fashion (as they were not having any effect what so ever I have now stopped taking them).

Thankfully the back has eased up slightly, but now this morning, feeling very tired due to a stupidly late night - or rather early morning. I wasn't tired and one of the dogs were a bit poorly so meh what ya gonna do, leave him to throw up on the floor only for him to eat it up himself or leave it for you to clean up in the morning? (that'll be a no on both counts I'm afraid').

You can tell I'm fecked off cos I'm waffling rather too much.

So anyway, let's get to the point. Birthday blues are looming, this year would rather skip the whole birthday thing (most unlike me, although to be fair last year I did spend it on a cruise ship, and generally miffed over the fact that no holidays could be afforded this year so that's another nail in lifes proverbial coffin). To cap it all off, weight loss has postively hit a stand still aka am generally feeling very down on myself at the moment, total mirror and care for self avoidance.

In times when I get this low, my natural course of action is to fight back (thank goodness) and start to take some positive action to try and turn things around.

Soooooooooooo, here we are then, positive action R us. As the title of this post suggests, I am embarking on yet another 100 days of pure weight loss heaven (or hell, dependeing on your point of view). Yes, I have already planned for christmas, I am allowing myself three days of 'relax' time (but not too much), which means day one is today, and day 100 will actually end February 18th (adding three days for the three days I'll be having off).

Idea is, eat less, exercise more, shift the weight - simple really! Feel a bit like a stuck (and broken) record by saying all this.

Ah well, next blog I'll get my head a little more together and hopefully will get back to my usual upbeatedness.