Tuesday 6 December 2011

Coaching Week 2

Well good morning peeps! Yes I have been up for 2 hours already, had thyroid tablet, sorted chooks, had breakfast (!!!!!!!!) and even managed to catch up on a bit of reading (double !!!!!!!!!) too!!!!

Over use of the exclamation mark? nah!!!!!!!!!

Ok, down to business. Last week was obviously first fledgling week as a coachee (not sure if that's a technical term but hey, that'll do). Interesting first week I must say. Monday was exciting as was first session and all forms / logs were set up in preparation for a productive / proactive week. Tuesday began with great enthusiasm too.

Tuesday evening however had a slightly minor incident involving a rather excitable waggy tail, half a pint of water, and a laptop containing what can only be described as my life. It didn't end well for the laptop I'm sorry to say, it was sent to the electronics department in the sky. The dog fared quite well though under the circumstances, usually I'd probably have yelled at him, but was too numb to do so (you know when things are really bad when I don't actually say anything at all).

Blip asides, I now had to find another method of logging my activities, thank goodness for i-phones! Already had a 'habit maker' app installed so used that to keep track until Laptop finally up and running on Friday.

Despite this little incident, week wasn't spoiled too much, I did almost all of what I was 'suppose' to do, and 'life coach Dawn' (I've already told her that's her name now) was very pleased at my successful week.

Challenges this week involve keeping up the successes of last week, i.e. keep getting up at stupid o clock, take tablet, walk dogs twice a day, drink water etc.

When I contacted 'life coach Dawn' initially I had in mind that we'd only really be focusing on the weight loss. The problem is the thyroid needs sorting out first, and 'lcd' reckons that when these levels are normal, it will be so much easier for the weight to come off. So because I am taking the tablet every day consistently, and I am consistently walking for the dogs for over an hour every day, the 'weight thing' is kind of a done deal at the moment, just have to keep up these positive actions and eventually I'll see good results.

So whilst this has more or less been sorted (for now), 'lcd' has decided that it would be good to tackle something else (referring the the life wheel I filled out prior to the first session where I listed 8 areas that are important in my life, what satisfaction level I was currently on, what 'ultimate satisfaction' would look like and would would be a step I could take to get me towards that end goal).

We decided to leave the fiances bits alone for the time being as I explained that once I get the career off the ground, the finances will sort themselves out. Equally under personal development, she was quite amused to read that I wanted to read Shakespeare. Told her that this was already being taken care of, as currently pouring my way through 'all's well that ends well' which am thoroughly enjoying! (so na na na na na)

Long story short, my new assignment this week is to complete and submit the first module of a certain NLP course I'd been putting off since ooooooo about the beginning of the year! Me and my big mouth! I'm going along with this because I know I need a kick up the bum to get going - once I've started I'll get more into the swing of it and wont take me long to finish the thing, it's just getting started!

Feeling very positive and as motivated as I can be considering 'still' feeling eternally tired (many thanks hypothyroidism). Never mind, onwards and upwards as they say. Now looking at the long term game plan (for once), and oh yes, the future is looking very shiny indeedily doodily!!