Tuesday 6 December 2011

Coaching Week 2

Well good morning peeps! Yes I have been up for 2 hours already, had thyroid tablet, sorted chooks, had breakfast (!!!!!!!!) and even managed to catch up on a bit of reading (double !!!!!!!!!) too!!!!

Over use of the exclamation mark? nah!!!!!!!!!

Ok, down to business. Last week was obviously first fledgling week as a coachee (not sure if that's a technical term but hey, that'll do). Interesting first week I must say. Monday was exciting as was first session and all forms / logs were set up in preparation for a productive / proactive week. Tuesday began with great enthusiasm too.

Tuesday evening however had a slightly minor incident involving a rather excitable waggy tail, half a pint of water, and a laptop containing what can only be described as my life. It didn't end well for the laptop I'm sorry to say, it was sent to the electronics department in the sky. The dog fared quite well though under the circumstances, usually I'd probably have yelled at him, but was too numb to do so (you know when things are really bad when I don't actually say anything at all).

Blip asides, I now had to find another method of logging my activities, thank goodness for i-phones! Already had a 'habit maker' app installed so used that to keep track until Laptop finally up and running on Friday.

Despite this little incident, week wasn't spoiled too much, I did almost all of what I was 'suppose' to do, and 'life coach Dawn' (I've already told her that's her name now) was very pleased at my successful week.

Challenges this week involve keeping up the successes of last week, i.e. keep getting up at stupid o clock, take tablet, walk dogs twice a day, drink water etc.

When I contacted 'life coach Dawn' initially I had in mind that we'd only really be focusing on the weight loss. The problem is the thyroid needs sorting out first, and 'lcd' reckons that when these levels are normal, it will be so much easier for the weight to come off. So because I am taking the tablet every day consistently, and I am consistently walking for the dogs for over an hour every day, the 'weight thing' is kind of a done deal at the moment, just have to keep up these positive actions and eventually I'll see good results.

So whilst this has more or less been sorted (for now), 'lcd' has decided that it would be good to tackle something else (referring the the life wheel I filled out prior to the first session where I listed 8 areas that are important in my life, what satisfaction level I was currently on, what 'ultimate satisfaction' would look like and would would be a step I could take to get me towards that end goal).

We decided to leave the fiances bits alone for the time being as I explained that once I get the career off the ground, the finances will sort themselves out. Equally under personal development, she was quite amused to read that I wanted to read Shakespeare. Told her that this was already being taken care of, as currently pouring my way through 'all's well that ends well' which am thoroughly enjoying! (so na na na na na)

Long story short, my new assignment this week is to complete and submit the first module of a certain NLP course I'd been putting off since ooooooo about the beginning of the year! Me and my big mouth! I'm going along with this because I know I need a kick up the bum to get going - once I've started I'll get more into the swing of it and wont take me long to finish the thing, it's just getting started!

Feeling very positive and as motivated as I can be considering 'still' feeling eternally tired (many thanks hypothyroidism). Never mind, onwards and upwards as they say. Now looking at the long term game plan (for once), and oh yes, the future is looking very shiny indeedily doodily!!

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Coaching - part 2

oh my goodness!!!!

Life has certainly got a little more interesting to say the least! Following on from the last post, I eventually did manage to get hold the the coach, she actually emailed me back from Kathmandu (of course! where else!) and said she wouldn't be in the country until after the 20th Nov. Not as bad as you first may think because in the mean time I was given my first 'task', which was to listen to Paul McKennas hypnosis CD consistently every day and keep a log of the date / time CD was listened to - which I did!!

With me it's all about consistency - in that I never used to be, so making a point to listen to some hypnosis every night for the past three weeks (I'm still going ya know!) is quite an achievement for me!!

So that was then, let's skip forward three weeks to now.

Yesterday I had my first one to one with Life Coach Dawn - let me just repeat my sentiments at the start of the post - oh.......my.......goodness!!!!!!

I was more nervous about finding the place then I was about the actual coaching itself, but thankfully the journey turned out to be a very straight forward.

Have to say, it wasn't too long into the session before I 'knew' that 'this' was 'right' - I wont go too much into detail regarding what we discussed etc, but needless to say after just over an hour of info dumping from both sides, I have come away with my plan of action for this week, as well as a log sheet to tick off when said tasks have been done! At one point I had to look her right in the eye to convince her I was going to follow through with a couple of the items on the list - scarily hilarious experience I can tell you, but at least she could see at least in that moment I was certain of success!!

The key for me really is consistency in following through with basic actions. This week, some of the items on my focus list is: getting up at 6am, taking tablet, having breakfast, walking dogs twice a day, listening to hypnosis track. AS you can see it's not difficult stuff, the point is more about taking consistent positive action so that you carve out good solid habits.

Last night, I did take the dogs on their first evening walk - I don't know who exactly was more shocked, me or them! But at least that was another tick in the box.

This morning I awoke at 5:50am, so that's one more tick, and any second now I shall embark upon breakfast so that'll be the 3rd tick for the day!!

Wednesday 9 November 2011


It's only been half an hour or so since I last blogged, but already I have taken some positive action (and am starting to feel a little more motivated / happier with myself!).

Went onto the Life Coach Directory again - after all where else would you go to find a coach!? Anyway, after trolling down the list I have selected one coach who looks like they fit the bill nicely. I know, before you start jumping up and down on me about looking around some more, but I got one of those 'feelings' about this one.

I have emailed her to ask for some more info and am anxiously awaiting response. This is either a lesson in responding to emails as soon as you receive them, or a lesson for me to practice patience! most likely it is the latter, I'm just keen!

Am expecting a telephone consultation, possible 'hard sell', and then for me to sign up to a million weeks worth of sessions! (I jest about the latter of course, really it'll be half a million!!).

Seriously though, it would be really good to have some one to one personal motivation / solver of internal turmoils etc.

After looking at fb page & website I see photo's and links to good ole Paul McKenna - another reason why I'm already 3/4's sold on this particular coach. Maybe she'll motivate me to follow through with his stuff! Oh who knows, brain has gone into over drive, as has internal aches & pains, time for some peppermint tea and some meditation (or something) as I'm internally as wound up as something that is wound up very tightly (even metaphors are escaping me this morning! arrrggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!).

And breathe...........

Weigbht Loss Count Down - Day Two

Well, here we are, I have made it to day two! Yesterday was a bit crappy if I am totally honesty, although I think you could see that from yesterdays blog.

It didn't start well, and for various reasons didn't end well either. Bad mood for most of the day, managed to let off steam slightly at a practically all day marketing meeting, and then singing practice in the evening helped to ease things slightly too.

Food wise, haven't been too impressed with myself, I could have done better for a first day at least, however, I have logged all my food and drink intake on the video blog so at least I am actually be honest with myself (for once).

No change in weight this morning, although after yesterday I am not surprised, but at least it didn't go up. Again, I will weigh myself everyday and log the weight. If it goes up or down, I'll log it so I can get more aware of the consequences of my actions.

Woke up this morning with what only can be described as excruciating heartburn (at least that's what I think it was, I've never had it before, either that or it was the on comings of gallstones again, but I'm going to think of it as the former). Consequently this morning I am having some Andrews (an anti acid) to try and calm my insides down, and may have a few green alkalising drinks just to neutralise my body a bit.

Still on the look out for a coach, am starting to think that my heart really isn't in it, or maybe I am just being too picky. Am worried about the cost naturally, as this is an expensive time of year, need to at least email to make first contact with a few, check out prices at least.

Would be good to get a personal trainer again, but again alas, money will have to dictate otherwise. Until I can get my weight sorted and the coaching business off the ground riches are on hold, whilst rags seem to be the current trend in fashion.

Sorry, still not feeling 100% bright and bubbly this morning, but at least I'm not as doom and gloom as I was yesterday - which is what they call progress! So I'll just hang onto that thought :)

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Yet another 100 days weight loss countdown

Just read the title of another blog I'm following which sums up my current mood to perfection 'fat, forty & fecked off'. Well ok, swap the 40 for (almost) 31, and hey presto! that's me!

Managed to get rid of the prolonged cold, and in it's place, my back decided it'd have a go cos it thought it was hard enough. Oh mores the pity, honestly, I have been walking around the house practically bent double like friggin Notra dame! I've been taking pills like they're going out of fashion (as they were not having any effect what so ever I have now stopped taking them).

Thankfully the back has eased up slightly, but now this morning, feeling very tired due to a stupidly late night - or rather early morning. I wasn't tired and one of the dogs were a bit poorly so meh what ya gonna do, leave him to throw up on the floor only for him to eat it up himself or leave it for you to clean up in the morning? (that'll be a no on both counts I'm afraid').

You can tell I'm fecked off cos I'm waffling rather too much.

So anyway, let's get to the point. Birthday blues are looming, this year would rather skip the whole birthday thing (most unlike me, although to be fair last year I did spend it on a cruise ship, and generally miffed over the fact that no holidays could be afforded this year so that's another nail in lifes proverbial coffin). To cap it all off, weight loss has postively hit a stand still aka am generally feeling very down on myself at the moment, total mirror and care for self avoidance.

In times when I get this low, my natural course of action is to fight back (thank goodness) and start to take some positive action to try and turn things around.

Soooooooooooo, here we are then, positive action R us. As the title of this post suggests, I am embarking on yet another 100 days of pure weight loss heaven (or hell, dependeing on your point of view). Yes, I have already planned for christmas, I am allowing myself three days of 'relax' time (but not too much), which means day one is today, and day 100 will actually end February 18th (adding three days for the three days I'll be having off).

Idea is, eat less, exercise more, shift the weight - simple really! Feel a bit like a stuck (and broken) record by saying all this.

Ah well, next blog I'll get my head a little more together and hopefully will get back to my usual upbeatedness.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Ramblings Update

Have been having a little surf on laptop – total work avoidance you understand – and it occurred to me that I haven’t actually blogged for a while! (tut tut).

As you can see I am obviously still having issues with being consistent, one might say that I am consistently inconsistent?

Diet, well let’s start with that I could do with a giggle. Well, diet isn’t too bad, it has been a lot worse in the past. I couldn’t honestly tell you what I weigh as haven’t weighed myself for about two or three weeks. I’m guessing I’m about the same as I was. I have had about half a stone loss since the last post, but what I am now I really couldn’t say.

Having a bout of cold / flu type thing at the moment, chest feeling tight, sore throat, headache, short breath (hang on is that violins I can hear? oh no, my mistake, next door is practicing for choir ‘again’). Naturally aforesaid symptoms are causing me to feel not very motivated at all, which in a strange way in itself is making me more motivated and more determined – strange how my mind works sometimes. I tried to explain it to the other other this morning – it’s like, the best thing for me is likely to just go to bed, but then that would feel like giving up, and I really don’t want to do that, so I’m going to fight harder and push through this.

Why oh why do I not do this is my ‘normal’ life I’ll never know!!

Anyway, I decided this morning that maybe what I could do with was my own weight loss coach. No irony there intended, I just thought that if I were to become one, and in need of losing a heck of a lot of weight myself, a weight loss coach would be just the ticket. But can I find one!! Ok, there are plenty of people out there, but no-one yet I am interested in getting in contact with to make an initial enquiry let alone signing on the dotted line.

You see most of the websites I have been on so far, the coaches don’t ‘just’ do weight loss AND from the seems of it, if you sign up with them, it seems that you would be following ‘their’ programme. But I don’t want to do that, I want to follow a diet or a programme of my own choice and just be coached / motivated through that. I want the flexibility of doing slim fast one week, weight watchers the next and the cabbage soup diet the next if I really felt the need!!

Seriously though, for me coaching is all about the client – what do THEY want, how do THEY want to progress, what do THEY want to do (am I making my point?). So far all I have seen is ‘sign up with me and follow xyz technique’ or ‘weight loss is all about abc’ or ‘motivate yourself into fitness’ etc. What if I didn’t actually want to exercise? or couldn’t?

I don’t mean to have a moan, really I don’t, I guess what I am looking is the sort of coach that I want to become - one that is ‘just’ a weight loss coach without the I also do exercise coaching, business coaching, personal coaching etc, one that wont dictate what I do in order to lose weight, instead will just help me find the way myself.

A few years ago when I first was thinking about becoming a coach, I decided to get ‘coached’ to speed things up a bit. The coach I had the initial consultation with wasn’t actually interested in moving me and my goals forward – no, they were interested in making sure I was ‘content’ first, and basically said that before they could coach me and my issues, they would ‘recommend’ that I do that contentment coaching first (for a rather large fortune, well if people are committed they will find the money, er actually no depends on how much disposable income you actually think I have luv). If I wanted to be content, I would have hired a contentment coach, or gone off travelling to ‘find myself’. No, I wanted a proactive and motivating strategy – not a £1200 bill in being coached in an area I didn’t want to be coached again.

Urgh! I’m moaning again I am so so sorry! It’s the dizzy head I’m sure of it! Up shot is though, I am now in the same position as I was all those years ago. I want a specific coach, for a specific purpose. I guess I will have to look harder.

On the bright side, when I’m up and running I guess that will be one of my USP’s – I am what I say on the tin, I am specifically a weight loss coach, who will coach you through your weight loss using whatever method of weight loss you choose (must remember to rephrase and use that when the time comes!!).

For now though, the search continues, I really do hope I find a suitable coach, it’d be such fun being coached and motivated by someone, might be the key thing I need in order to push me from point A all the way to Z!!!

See, no matter what happens, all leave them with a positive note ;)

Saturday 17 September 2011

Weight Loss Count Down - Day Eight

Howdy neighbours!

Can't believe it's been eight days since I started the 100 day plan - time flies so quickly when you're having fun!

This week, I have rediscovered dog walking - other half does the usual morning walk, and more out of necessity for the dog's part, I am now doing a 30 minute evening walk - which according to the 'experts' counts as proper exercise so hey, I'm actually getting in my recommended 30 minutes of exercise per day, which is actually very enjoable and is something I am very motivated to do! (do I hear the sounds of the Hallelujah chorus playing?).

Diet wise, this week I have been 'mainly' sticking with slimfast. Well, not the slimfast plan as printed on the packaging, I like to think of it has 'my' slim fast plan! I'm having meal replacements for breakfast & lunch, then a normal dinner - they recommend a 600 calorie dinner, which I'm not counting as my normal dinners are fine, it's all the bits in between that needs sorting.

In addition to the 3 meals, I have also had a few snacks and the odd glass of wine too - it's been a fun week I can tell you!

Weighed myself yesterday to see what was the progress, and considering the amount of fun I had been having, I wasn't expecting massive weight loss result, maybe 2lbs, 3? 4?

How's half a stone grab you!!?? I know! That's what I thought!! Just goes to show though, a little exercise here and there doesn't half make a difference!

This week I am aiming maybe not for half a stone, as that would be silly, maybe 4 or 5lbs would be good! I shall keep up with the slim fast, and dog walking, and remain relaxed and happy about the whole thing.

If you are also trying to lose weight, why not visit my weight loss forum: http://www.helen-barber.co.uk/forum for support and general chat with others also in a similar boat


Friday 9 September 2011

Yet another countdown!

One of these days I'll do a count down and actually get to zero!! Don't worry I'm still counting down to launch, and more or less I am well on track with other!

I speak of 'another countdown' which I have started today, and that is 'the 100 day weight loss'. Technically it's an e-book I downloaded on my i-phone, but thought it was actually not a bad idea, so have promised faithfully to myself that I will follow 'a' diet for the next 100 days.

Not really knowing which diet to go for, I have decided to follow the slim fast plan, mainly has I do still have powder & bars to use up, but also after going on 'dietquiz.com', it turns out that the 'best' diet for me is a meal replacement one - hey if you can't trust a random quiz on a random website who can you trust!! (that was of course a rhetorical question ladies and gentlemen).

Day one started today, and so far (as ever) so good (ish)! After unintentionally skipping breakfast, next meal stop was the Hilton in Bracknell as was attending a very vital (ahem) marketing meeting for and on behalf of an organisation that shall at this time remain nameless. Had salmon on brown bread, very salty, didn't eat all of it and left the crisps well alone, quite chuffed with myself all in all.

Whilst at this meeting, ma spilt the beans on my new venture as a weight loss coach, I think she wanted the marketing lady to give me some ideas as to how to market my business - unfortunately and unbeknown to ma, I do actually have a fairly comprehensive online marketing strategy in place, but it's nice she takes an interest :D Lady started mentioned websites and SEO's, but said that I already had weight loss blogs, and a weight loss forum, and have started to appear on the front page of google under these headings (which surprises me), and as I was talking I realised just how much I do actually have in place!

Anyway getting off point, the one good thing about this discussion was that I did 'foretell' that I would be at least 2 or 3 stone light the next time I see her - well that does it then, I really do have to get off my bum and do something! Hey there is nothing like telling someone else you're goals in order to get you to focus!!

Getting back to the original 'food list' - tonight's tea consisted of a meal bar, and then a nice long walk through the fields with the dogs. Can't say I'm actually hungry at all at this point in time, could do with a drink of water mind, but not hungry, so how's that for progress!!

All in all day one in 100 day weight loss has been a complete whoop whoop success! Roll on day two, and fingers crossed I'll be coming back tomorrow not saying I've fallen of the weight loss wagon!!

Saturday 3 September 2011

14 Weeks and Counting.........

Oh my what a busy August that was! What with juggling existing work with Cloud 9, I’m amazed I still have enough energy to stand on my own two feet!

First little re cap since last I wrote, charity day was a massive success, raising just over £200 for Macmillan (whoop whoop!). Very pleased at the amount of support we received for such a good cause.

During the past month, Cloud 9 has been on a bit of a journey, whilst clients have been been slow but steady, it has given us the opportunity to review how far we (as in mother and I) would like to take the company. As it turns out, we both have ‘bigger’ ideas for ourselves. Whilst we both love Cloud 9 dearly, and will continue the company in the vain it started, it would seem that both our futures lie on another path.

With ma, it has always been about the writing, she loves it, and she’s actually quite good at it! So I have made it my personal mission to ensure that she achieves financial success in this area – we are looking at the e-book market, so watch this space as Patricia Barber is about to become a household name!!

As for myself, my path has and will always be about weight loss coaching (starting with myself naturally!!). I’m good at coaching (so I’ve been told!) It’s what I love, and what is more, it is about time I faced up to the fact that my destiny lies within helping people to help themselves to overcome their own weight loss issues. It may sound daft, but even reading that sentence back to myself fills me with so much joy and excitement!

As ever, it starts with a plan – and as ever even that has been slow coming, but, at 5am this morning I finally cracked it!

It is my intention to launch myself (as in be as full time as I possibly can be) by 5th December 2011. That gives me three months lose weight, set up the business, and really show what can be done in three months with a bit of focus and a bit of self coaching!!

Saturday 9 July 2011

The Cloud 9 Experience

I know it's been a while since my last posting, and yes I promise faithfully that I will update the blog much regularly in future!

For now - I do have a wee announcement to make!!

In 10 days time (19th July), we (as in mother & I) will be officially launching our new company 'Cloud 9' and to put it mildly, I am rather excited! Cloud 9 offers Holistic Treatments in the form of Manicures, Pedicures, Indian Head Massage, Relaxation Therapy and weight loss coaching (to name but a few).

For our launch, we have decided to hold a charity Express Hand & Nail Treatment day in aid of Macmillan. Essentially, you pay £5 for a 15 minute mini manicure involving filing, shaping and your choice of either a hand massage or polish. All the profits will be going to the charity - so basically we wont be making any money ourselves, and in addition to that, everyone who takes part will receive a few little 'surprises' from us by way of a thank you for helping us to support such a good cause!

The charity day will be held at the Crescent Resource Centre in Lower Earley (Reading), on the 19th July, we will be there 9:30am - 4:30pm, and of course everyone wanting to be involved must pre book their time slots at the reception desk at Crescent.

We will be dropping off the booking sheets on Monday, as well as information leaflets about the day, and our services brochure. I'm sure any one local will start seeing our posters & leaflets popping up all over the place!

Should you be interested in finding out a little more about the charity day, or even better, you want to book your time slot, please visit the Crescent Resource Centre (off Rushey Way) and see the girls on reception.

You will need to pay Crescent £5 when you book, and please be aware that time slots are limited so please book your time slot early to avoid disappointment!

Sunday 5 June 2011

Skittles Evening

Last night my partner & I attended a skittles evening. Now I have been to one of these before, and usually it involves lots of drinking (or making merry as we all like to call it), and eating vast quantities from the buffet.

All in all I have had a successful week with regards to my diet, so the last thing I wanted was to throw a spanner in the works and indulge just for the sake of it.

Clever ploy No. 1 - I told my partner if he drove there, I would drive back, therefore he drinks and I don't! Ah but for me, abstaining from alcohol wasn't enough. If I drank soft drinks all night I'd still be drinking a heck of a lot of calories (which I didn't want to do), so all evening I happily stayed on the water.

Clever ploy No. 2 - The buffet actually looked quite 'healthy' for a change, there was lots of salad, baked potato, bread, coleslaw and 2 massive plates of chicken, which to be honest looked a bit greasy, so I told myself I was going vegetarian in the end (very unlike me, I lurrrrve my meat!!) and had a small salad with a slice of bread, which I ate slowly and more than filled me up anyway!

You may think salad and water would mean I didn't enjoy myself as much? Well, no actually, I laughed so much I was crying, I had the highest 'ladies' score of the evening and won a prize, and this morning I feel really fantastic! Not hung over, not bloated, and more importantly no regrets (you know the ones 'oh I shouldn't of had xyz last night).

I'm proud to say that I have faced my first 'night out diet challenge' and have come out the other side victorious!! Huzzah!

Saturday 4 June 2011

Overcoming your inner critic

So you've been at this weight loss thing for a while now, and all of a sudden you feel like no matter what you do, you're simply not moving towards your weight loss goal.

So what do you do? Simple - STOP! I don't mean the diet or the exercising, I mean mentally just stop, take a few deep breaths, take a few moments to collect your thoughts and start to notice all your changes you have made so far.

What do I mean by this? Well, let's begin by actually recognising your weight loss successes so far. For me, last week I lost 7lbs, this week so far I have 'only' lost 4. Seriously! my inner critic has been trying to devalue my successes with the word 'only', consequently making me feel that I not 'good enough'! When comparing last weeks weight loss to this weeks so far, ok, so it's not as high, but when you think that in just under 2 weeks I have lost 11lbs (!!!!!!!!!!), that inner critic can just take a very long walk off a very short pier. Actually, 11lbs is amazing!

But don't just look at the figures, look at yourself- again, I can only speak to you from personal experience, it's up to you to find your own highlights (I promise you the more you look the more there will be!). Personally, already I am finding that clothes are starting to fit and feel a little better, silly things like desk chairs & sun loungers are feeling slightly bigger, and I'm not heading towards the kitchen everytime I have an emotional need to fill.

No matter how small you think it is (or in reality how you think others will think it is), you must recognise (even write down!) all the changes you've noticed since you started your journey. Even if your journey started yesterday - what have you noticed already!

Every time your inner critic pops up, go grab your list of highlights, and really remind yourself of not only the weight you have lost, but all the positive changes in your life so far, and then square up to and challenge that inner critic.

With a list as long as yours, you can't be anything else but super successful. Believe in yourself, believe in your achievements and your ability to achieve even more than you already have done, and really see for yourself that the only thing that inner critic is good for is talking rubbish and wasting valuable thoughts and energy!


Monday 30 May 2011

Weight Loss Result - Week 1

Last week I made a promise to myself - that for seven days I would get my head down and actually start losing weight and really see what I was capable of.

So every day I got my behind on the wii fit, and did between 20 - 30 minutes (almost) every day, a combination of yoga and just simply stepping up and down on the balance board for 10 minutes. The one day I didn't go on the wii, I was actually away at the in-laws, so instead took the dogs for a very nice long walk.

My diet has been a combination of food replacement bars & milkshakes, and small portioned dinners (by small I mean half the size I 'usually' have).

I haven't touched a packet of crisps, or drunk a single drop of alcohol (despite an over night stay at the in-laws which would normally mean plenty of both), and monitored quite closely what 'additional extras' I have with my food (i.e. table sauces, butter on bread etc).

So the result then - well, I am very pleased to report that this week I have lost a total of 7lbs!!!!!!! A definite whoop whoop me thinks!

Very pleased, and quite amazed that it didn't take as much effort on my part to achieve than previously perceived.

This week I will of course be following the same routine as I haven't felt deprived, or hungry at all. So fingers are well and truly crossed for another weight loss for next week! :D

Thursday 26 May 2011

Desperate Plea from a Desperate Dieter

It's a fact that whilst you are dieting / trying to lose weight, every day will bring forth a new challenge for you to over come.

Today, mine comes in the form of my other half. In short, the bread supply has run out, so he decided to make some himself using a sun-dried mediterranean tomato flour mix. Usually I wouldn't fault the logic. We used to make our own bread a lot before we moved house and fell out of the habit, so like I said, usually this would be normal sound thinking.

However: I am at present trying to follow quite a strict eating regime, which I am hoping will see me (finally!) losing quite a decent amount of weight.

Bread is one of those things I can't seem resist, I love it whether toasted or not. Whilst I find the taste quite heavenly, the effects on my digestive system can sometimes be hell. Not all the time - that's the kicker, just 'sometimes'. On a bad day, it can set off anything from bloating to stomach pains. Because of this, bread is one of the items on the 'naughty list' and must be avoided at all costs.

Now baring all of the above in mind, on a scale of 1-10 how cruel do you think it was that my other half decided to bake bread today (as opposed to actually going down to the local shops and buying some). No, not 10. The way I'm feeling right now it's shot up to 20, and that's only because I was the one who had to check on them and take them out of the oven when they were done whilst he was upstairs in the office working!!

You thought that was bad, I have the insult to add to the injury. Now my fella, he is a practical man, and to save on the electrics (or something), he always believes that whilst the 'oven is already on', he should take advantage and bake something else - sort of a two for one thing I imagine. That's all very well and good, but when he decides to make chocolate muffins, which I also have to not only smell, but check on and remove from the oven when done, isn't very helpful to the cause.

I've been sitting here over an hour, and I think I have just about got the urge to go eat under control. The urge to have a bread roll is much much stronger than the muffin, so am thinking I will need to do a bit of reconditioning 'tapping' to try and get this under control.

My point is this - those of us who are in need of and are trying to lose weight, got here for a reason. Namely we link a certain amount of pleasure in consuming certain things (we all know our weaknesses, mine is bread, cheese, crisps (pringles!) and alcohol - all of which are now firmly on my no no list). We want to lose weight, and unfortunately a change in attitude towards our 'favourite things' isn't going to happen over night.

To all those living with a serial dieter (shouldn't have mentioned cereal, that's another thing on my no no list), please remember that we are trying to change deep ingrained habits and to be perfectly frank, the most unhelpful thing you can do is (metaphorically) rub our faces in it by flaunting the 'good stuff'. It's like drinking alcohol in front of an alcoholic trying to get and stay sober - genuinely!

Whilst we are 'making the change' please be respectful and supportive of our needs and our weaknesses. Have your takeaways, chocolate, crisps, sweets etc by all means but please don't have them in front of us and especially don't keep going on about how good it tastes!

I promise it wont take too long for us to become empowered enough to be able to choose the right things, and not be bothered by 'the bad', or at least have the ability to consume sensibly and in moderation. But we must be given that chance in order to make the change - which is why not only support and understanding from the home front is so important, but also respect and appreciation for what we are trying to achieve.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Weight Loss Forum

In the beginning Helly created a forum, where all those needing support, motivation, and education regarding all things weight loss, could gather and become empowered to achieve their weight loss goals, and Helly saw that it was good!

Seriously though, as you may have now gathered, I have started a forum which is specifically designed to help anybody who wants / needs help and support with their weight loss goals.

Whether you have 2lbs to lose or 200lbs, it doesn't matter how big or small the weight loss goal, the aim of the forum is to help you achieve that goal by offering support, advice / opinions, and even a little light 'coaching' from me should it be required!

Simply click on the link below to view the forum


Tuesday 17 May 2011

Tick tock, tick tock

To some it flies, to others it crawls. Some have too much, while others not enough. Despite this, one thing is certain, and that is time is constant - no matter your perception, it is the same for everybody. The only difference is what you choose to do with it.

Have you ever sat back and thought about what you want out of life? I mean really want, not what you think other people might think you should want, but what YOU really want. For example:

I could say that I want my own swimming pool & spa, music recording studio and a little red sporty convertible out the front of my million pound house. I could also say that this weekend I am planning on flying myself, partner and pooches over to Monaco in our private jet where our private yacht is moored, the Champaign is on ice, the canapes are awaiting our arrival, and well soon be basking in the glorious sunshine whilst the formula 1 cars go whizzing by!

A far fetched dream, or a goal now set in motion?

Donald Trump once said "you will think more than 50,000 thoughts today - so you might as well make them big ones". I couldn't agree more! Life shouldn't be about settling, it should be about striving and achieving your very best.

'If you can dream it, you can do it!' - Walt Disney. Honestly you really can!!

'We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.' - JFK

I have included this last quote because it gives a very clear indication of my mind set. I choose to do what I do not because it is easy, but because it is hard. It's a challenge I am willing to accept and one I am unwilling to postpone.

Your focus becomes your reality - Tony Robbins.

If you focus on all the negative stuff, that will be the sum total of your life. I have plenty of people in my circle where this is abundantly true! So by focusing on all the good stuff, the car, the house, the yacht etc, then this will in turn become reality.

And why not!

Wednesday 27 April 2011

30 Day Kick Start Plan - Day 1

So you want to lose 30lbs in 30 days. Can it be done? should it be done?

There are lots of yay sayers and nay sayers on the subject – personally I haven’t made my mind up yet, the idea of losing 30lbs in 30 days is a very enticing one, and I suppose as in life, what seems impossible is actually very possible – it just depends on your attitude, approach and naturally your flexibility!

Right from the start I will stress that I will NOT be starving myself or depriving myself in any way shape or form in order to lose weight. I don’t condone starvation as a weight loss method as I fully believe in working WITH your body, not against it. Your body has the know how, we just have to put our listening ears on, and go with it.

In order to achieve a loss of 30lbs in 30 days, I believe that I need to address my diet, ‘have’ a daily routine in which exercise is incorporated and ensure that I remain motivated and focused throughout.

Writing up a daily success schedule has helped put into perspective everything I need and want to achieve on a daily basis – including exercise. So that this new schedule isn’t too overwhelming, my plan is to incorporate one new element at a time, so by the end of the 30 days I will be literally ‘living’ the dream – I’ll go into more detail about this success schedule in another blog.

For my diet, I am going to stick with what I know best - counting and logging calories. For some people they can’t stand the thought of this, for me, it’s how I regain control over what goes into my mouth.

As far as motivation and focus goes, this is where my iPhone comes in very handy! I’m not a techno geek by any stretch of the imagination (in fact I’m quite the opposite), but as it turns out, my iPhone can be quite an empowering tool for success! On it, I have Apps to look up count and track calories, ‘coaches’ who say something rude if you want to eat anything naughty (makes me laugh every time!), diary to record my thoughts, virtual images to show what being my goal weight looks like in comparison to the weight I am now, and best of all Paul McKenna’s I Can Make You Thin – whereby I have a success journal, hypnosis track, and motivational videos, I even have a 30 day count app to tell me how many days are left to go!

Put that altogether, focusing and following through on a consistent daily basis should mean a loss of 30lbs in 30 days right?

Well, provided I follow through with my intentions, in 30 days, we’ll find out :D