Wednesday 27 April 2011

30 Day Kick Start Plan - Day 1

So you want to lose 30lbs in 30 days. Can it be done? should it be done?

There are lots of yay sayers and nay sayers on the subject – personally I haven’t made my mind up yet, the idea of losing 30lbs in 30 days is a very enticing one, and I suppose as in life, what seems impossible is actually very possible – it just depends on your attitude, approach and naturally your flexibility!

Right from the start I will stress that I will NOT be starving myself or depriving myself in any way shape or form in order to lose weight. I don’t condone starvation as a weight loss method as I fully believe in working WITH your body, not against it. Your body has the know how, we just have to put our listening ears on, and go with it.

In order to achieve a loss of 30lbs in 30 days, I believe that I need to address my diet, ‘have’ a daily routine in which exercise is incorporated and ensure that I remain motivated and focused throughout.

Writing up a daily success schedule has helped put into perspective everything I need and want to achieve on a daily basis – including exercise. So that this new schedule isn’t too overwhelming, my plan is to incorporate one new element at a time, so by the end of the 30 days I will be literally ‘living’ the dream – I’ll go into more detail about this success schedule in another blog.

For my diet, I am going to stick with what I know best - counting and logging calories. For some people they can’t stand the thought of this, for me, it’s how I regain control over what goes into my mouth.

As far as motivation and focus goes, this is where my iPhone comes in very handy! I’m not a techno geek by any stretch of the imagination (in fact I’m quite the opposite), but as it turns out, my iPhone can be quite an empowering tool for success! On it, I have Apps to look up count and track calories, ‘coaches’ who say something rude if you want to eat anything naughty (makes me laugh every time!), diary to record my thoughts, virtual images to show what being my goal weight looks like in comparison to the weight I am now, and best of all Paul McKenna’s I Can Make You Thin – whereby I have a success journal, hypnosis track, and motivational videos, I even have a 30 day count app to tell me how many days are left to go!

Put that altogether, focusing and following through on a consistent daily basis should mean a loss of 30lbs in 30 days right?

Well, provided I follow through with my intentions, in 30 days, we’ll find out :D