Monday 9 April 2012

This is the week that was, or rather is....

Yes, you're quite right, it has been 2 months since my last confession, so thought it was time for a wee catch up.

Weight wise - oh yes, let's start with that. To date have lost about 23lbs, and have already started to have people look at me funny saying 'have you lost weight?' etc. Literally any day now I will be back into my jeans, which I haven't been able to fit into for about 3 years now, very happy bunny :)

On a related note, I can't remember if I mentioned in the last post, but I've moved Slimming World groups to one closer to ma as she is also wanting to join / support / lose a bit before for 'big day'. She's 7 weeks into her 'journey' and received her first stone award last week (happy claps!). As for myself, I have volunteered as a SW helper. At my request, I have been put on the weighing in station, I thought this would be a good idea as not only will I get used to dealing with people with their weight, but also I can practice quick NLP on them as they weight in......cunning ;)

Next favourite topic - LCD! Still going, and still going well I think, although I am starting to feel I need to phase this out slightly as am generally achieving everything I am setting out to achieve (which is nice!). It's getting back to the stage where I can't think of what else to bring up, as it stands (almost) everything I want to have in motion, is. Perhaps I should discuss this at next session ;)

Next favourite topic - wedding!!! I'll fill more blanks in on the wedding blog, but suffice to say that things are moving along much swifter than anticipated. We have most things sorted in principle, of course we still have deposits to pay and contracts to sign etc, but all in all we both are quite clear as to what we want, and who will provide.

Bit of a short post today, as chickens are about to cause a riot as I've not got them up yet!!

Final topic - LCH (Life Coach Hells for those not already in the know). Since last we spoke, I have almost completed my NLP course (sort of), and that's about it. I know I was doing back flips last time, but I'm afraid to report that I was so busy doing back flips, I didn't actually take any further action to move me forward.....DOH!!!

Never mind, today marks the start of a new week - 5am start (oh yes, that was a 5), and brain is now raring to go. I have decided to make this my very last week of (excuse the French) arsing about. My intention is no matter what, finish NLP course, write up business & marketing plan, and basically as from next Monday, literally be calling myself a life coach and hopefully start getting some clients on board would be nice too. What's stopping me? well frankly not much, asides from my own laziness that it. I have all the skills, tools, time and money I need in order to make this happen. The only thing I need to do is turn off the TV (check) get off my behind (um, in a minute that will be a check), and get moving!!!

Tell you what, I promise to come back next Monday and update on how I done :D

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