Saturday 4 September 2010

Good Morning Me!!

This is a very strange feeling. I woke up this morning without the usual weight related hang ups. I didn't get up early, haven't exercised, and yet, I feel none of the usual guilt / annoyance / sense of failure that I usually do this time of a morning when I say I'll do something, but end up not.

As I said yesterday, such a huge weight has been (metaphorically) lifted from my shoulders, and now I am faced with a huge void of not knowing quite what to do with myself, how I 'should' be feeling or what I 'should' be doing.

Strangely, I had the most comfortable (and snuggly) nights sleep last night, and I have awoken this morning fresh and alert! Why strange? Because 'usually' I'm waking up, or tossing and turning, and when I wake up, I'm just as groggy in the morning as I was when I went to bed! But not last night, last night was simply sublime :D

As I was walking out of the bedroom, I noticed a couple of books on my dressing table this morning, both entitled 'change your life in seven days!'. I had to chuckle as I haven't even touched them yet, besides which, my feelings this morning were why wait seven days!? I'm changing right now!! I didn't believe it was possible to change 'just like that', but a switch has finally clicked in my brain, and now I believe that anything really is possible - even choosing to change your psychological mind set, and then 'just doing it'.

So onwards and upwards, as it's a Saturday I'll more than likely just do 'busy' jobs today, dog needs a trim, garden needs hoeing that sort of thing, and yes I'll probably get round to doing the housework too! (but we wont hold our breaths on that last one tee hee). I may even just spend a couple of hours sitting in the garden reading (don't gasp, I know, when does that ever happen!?).

The point is, I find myself in a position where there is so much I really want to be doing - none of which involves sitting on my behind, in doors, watching that thing in the corner called TV.

My time is now, not in seven days time, not 'when i reach my goal weight'.

It's right here, and right now. So let's go show the world what I'm really made of :D

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