Sunday 5 September 2010

Weight Loss Diary 5th Sept 2010

Yesterday I spent three fabulous hours sorting out my front garden! When we first moved to our new home, about two and a half months ago now, our garden was basically a gravel pit. The previous occupiers had covered the 'garden' in builders shingle (not even the pretty stuff!) and for the past sixteen years had been using it as a car park.

Even before we moved in, I told myself that this would be one of the first things I would sort out. It did of course mean moving all that shingle, finding weed repellent matting underneath, hoofing that up, then periodically trying to loosing what was compacted dead soil. After which came the expensive part - buying lots and lots of top soil, compost, bedding flowers, borders and finally the all important turf!

Progress was slow, but steady, as I was doing this mainly all by myself (and on the odd Saturday's ma would come over and help), and week by week, little by little, my little country garden began to emerge.

Yesterday, I was able to lay the final pieces of turf, plant the rockery, and even cover the foot of concrete on the very front edge with bark. Not for the first time on this project, I was able to stand back and really appreciate not only the time and hard work put in, but more importantly the end result!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not finished yet, I still have my white picket fence to buy / make / put up, a small border separating the grass bit from the 'driveway' bit, oh and let's not forget actually removing another large mound of shingle from the car park bit, flattening that out, and at some point laying paving slabs, or whatever I decide will suit best!

Even though I still have lots to do, my focus is on what I have already achieved - the lush green grass, the pretty flowers still full of colour, the Divine smell of freshly laid bark (sorry it's a fetish I never knew I had until yesterday!!).

So what's my point? Well, let's come back to the real topic of weight loss.

One of the first things I did this morning before taking doggy woof woof out for a walk, was stand in front of my full length mirror and just look at myself, and to be perfectly frank, I didn't dislike what I saw. Ok, so clothes are slightly more loose than I'd of expected (do I dare try a smaller size yet? My sources say no, not yet, maybe next week we'll be brave and see!!) but over all, even when doing a little spin, I can actually see a difference in me.

Now whether this is body shape, or just my own mental perception of me, I really can't say. But the point is I'm starting to look at myself differently, and that my friends is progress!

As with the garden, the initial external view wasn't ideal. It did the job yes, but wasn't what I personally wanted to see. But slowly, week by week, with a little bit consistent effort the results of my labours are beginning to show.

My focus isn't on 'all that weight I've still got to lose' (because let's not kid ourselves, I still have a long way to go on that front). Instead, I've turned my focus onto what I have already lost, and how in that mirror, I can very clearly see my end desired result.

Not only can I see my end result crystal clear, but I'm also beginning to LIVE as if I have already achieved my perfect size and perfect weight.

And that I feel calls for a massive WHOOP WHOOP!!


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