Wednesday 15 September 2010

There is no wagon

You hear people falling off of, and then getting back on 'the wagon' a lot in weight loss. When a person has a good day, they see themselves as 'on the wagon' - and this is a good thing. When they have a bad day, they think of themselves as falling 'off' the wagon - a bad thing - and strive to get back 'on' as soon as possible.

But let's just stop and think about this for a moment.

Did you know that originally, the phrase 'to fall off the wagon' actually was in connection to people struggling to combat a drug or alcohol addiction? And that to fall off said wagon meant that they had failed to keep their resolution to remain sober / drug free.

If this is the case, why on earth have we, the over weight, adopted this phrase as our own, and used it to monitor our own supposed failings?!!?

Let's picture a moment your own weight loss journey adopting this approach. Every time you make a slip up, no matter how small, you fall off the wagon, climb back on and roll down the same path.

You eventually reach your goal weight - but you've fallen off the damn wagon so many times you're black and blue! Your bum hurts, you've got broken bones, a bump on your head, and all you can remember about the journey is the pain you have suffered to get here - which makes you what? a martyr? Oh poor you, it's been a real 'struggle' a real 'hardship' but like a real trouper you got there 'in the end'.

Where did your life go whilst you were losing that weight? Oh, no, sorry, forgot, your fat, and you have to punish yourself day in day out until you reach your 'magical goal weight' then all of a sudden life will be brilliant!

Have you ever thought what if there was no wagon to fall off of in the first place? Have you ever thought about what if you took that wagon and set fire to it? Then what? well instead of using the wagon, you'll have to begin your journey by actually walking.

Let's take a moment to imagine the journey to your goal weight, minus the aforementioned wagon - just for a moment.

So here you are walking along, you slip up on a large pebble. Well you haven't fallen over or broken anything, and you can either choose to carry on as you were, or make a slight adjustment to watch out for and avoid those large pebbles! By walking to your destination you can take in and experience so much more of what is going on around. You can take your time, go at your own pace, and focus on enjoying the journey.

As opposed to what? sitting on the back of a cart, and only focusing on not falling off?

By taking the wagon, you are giving somebody else the responsibility of your weight loss. Yes you'll probably get there in the end, but not only do you miss out on life, but you fail to learn along the way - well, apart from the fact that the journey is quite painful so therefore may not actually stick with the wagon for any great deal of time anyway.

Taking responsibility for your own weight loss, and ultimately your own journey to get there is initially more difficult as you really do have to keep your focus on the goal.

You will have to keep your wits about you, and now allow yourself to become distracted by dark looking 'diversions' that will purposefully lead you away from your goal.

By walking your own path, you become an adventurer in your own adventure story! You meet many along the way, some who assist, some who do not. But the further along the path you go, the more you learn, the stronger you become, and you are able to easily recognise friend from foe and deal with each one appropriately.

Ultimately your fate is in your own hands. It's up to you when you want to start living and loving life.

Of course you can wait indefinitely until such a time when you do reach your magic number - that's your choice. Some say life begins at 40, others say life begins when you reach your goal weight.

Personally I say life begins right NOW.



  1. Hi Helen

    I just found your blog whilst searching for reviews on Paul McKennas I can make you thin program. I have enjoyed reading your progress and your experience. Today is my first day, but I have downloaded an app on my new iphone and it really put me in a good mood today. I listened to it this morning and then went for a walk to the beach.

    I know it will work for me too...


  2. I love this post! It is exactly what I have wanted to say to my friends who are losing weight, but never had the right words to express it. I am a "Pauler" and found your blog by searching for other "Paulers" :)
