Sunday 4 July 2010

4 months and counting

The first post is always the hardest! there is so much to tell, where do i begin?

A good place to start would be why I am here, and why I've chosen to blog.

It all started in December 2009 for me, where upon I embarked on 'one of those' conversations with the other half. The up shot was, neither of us were particularly happy about what we had (or rather hadn't) achieved over the past year, and both agreed that 2010 should be one of those 'mile stone' years.

Coming away from that conversation, I swore to myself that when we next have this conversation (in 12 months time), at least for my part 2010 was going to be one of those years where 'things' finally happened for me. What things? well, sitting down, I thought long and hard about what I wanted to achieve over the coming year, what would make me on top of the world achieving / having by the years end. Amazingly I came up with 6 goals for this year, one of which was inevitable, the rest I knew I had to work hard for.

Weigh 9 Stone
Turn 30
Go on a Mediterranean Cruise
Become an earning / successful weight management coach
Buy our first home together
Get Engaged

So where are we, July 4th now, and how am I doing with regards to my goals?

Weigh 9 Stone - I am so off this target it is untrue! However all it not lost, provided I get my behind seriously in gear like it has never gotten into gear before, I should have no problems reaching this goal by the end of the year.

Turning 30 - all I have to do is live for another 4 months, and this one is in the bag!

Mediterranean Cruise - ditto to the above! In fact this was booked over a year ago for my 30th. However, we still need to pay for it and I still need to lose weight for it so technically this one is still on going

Become an earning / successful weight management coach - see goal 1! I cannot become a coach if I am not walking the walk myself. So this one is still a pipe dream for the time being

Buy first home together - kaching! 2 weeks ago we officially moved into a lovely house in Brimpton. Without a shadow of a doubt this is my best move in my whole entire life, I totally love it here! Hey, I could talk about my new home for hours, so for sanity's sake, let's chalk this one up to a resounding success :)

get Engaged - about three months ago, I had the discussion with my other half regarding this subject, and although it hasn't happened yet, we have both agreed the 'deed' should take place on my birthday whilst on the cruise, so provided I live to see 30, we can afford to go on the cruise and I've lost the weight (not much then!) this one should also be in the bag :)

So what then really am I using this blog for? Well mainly to record my progress with regards to losing weight, to nurture my new found zest for my chosen career choice, to provide a forum / outlet for my random thoughts, ideas and opinions and essentially provide me with much the needed focus so that I CAN achieve ALL my goals over the next five months.

For the past couple of months I have become seriously complacent with what I would consider to be my two most important goals for the year. Complacent because deep down I didn't (note past tense) believe that I could really achieve them, an opinion actually voiced by a member of my inner circle (charming I know). This negative thought pattern of mine was being reinforced, whether intentionally or otherwise, and I just allowed myself to except that for now for, this was all life had to offer.

Thankfully the rebel in me piped up and gave me a bit of an ear bashing! Why can't I reach my goal weight and have a career as a weight management coach? the answer is of course there is no reason why I couldn't, I just have to have enough belief and proactive drive to make it happen! (despite what those 'other' voices are saying).

I have four months now until my birthday and subsequent cruise. I have always maintained that in order for me to actually go on the cruise I would need to be my target weight. Even now, I truly believe that this is possible, but I need to really keep focus, drive and motivation.

As for the coaching - I am determined now more than ever to have my own coaching business by the end of the year. Even if I don't have any clients, by the time of the cruise my intention is to have all the elements in place, admin, website, marketing / advertising plan and more importantly the psychological belief systems well and firmly in place to be the success I know I deserve to be!

So what now? well now I need to make 'a plan', targets, deadlines, mile stones etc. What I need now is a good coach - hey, I think that's my cue!

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