Monday 19 July 2010

When the going gets tough - the tough gets coaching

This morning I woke up with brimming over with enthusiasm. This was the start of a new week, and a golden opportunity to resume my weight loss success.

I have put on a couple of lbs since last I blogged, but really, I'm ok with that. I had the courage to face up and take responsibilty for my actions over the last week or so. The damage is easily rectified, so no real tragedy, but I feel slightly different approach is needed.

Enter Helen Barber - Weight Management Coach (gosh that feels so good to think, even better when it's said out loud!). This is my dream, this is the 'pigeon hole' I would most willing and whole heartidily put myself in. So now I think it's time for this persona to really take hold and grab much of the lime light.

This may sound really bizarre, but losing weight, and also seeing others doing so, is a real passion of mine. The high you get off your own, and other peoples successes, well there really isn't anything like it!

Putting my 'coaching head' back on I approached the one closest person in my life who would we both knew would benefit from a little 'helping hand' in the weight loss department. Thankfully, ma has agreed that 'it's time we both did something'. I didn't do a 'first session' with her, as she doesn't need it, she just needs someone in the background watching her back so to speak, and given her a boost when needed.

We both weighed ourselves, and recorded our starting weights. I promptly drew up a thermometer to track our progress, and both confirmed our ultimate weight loss goals, and this weeks weight loss goals, which every day we will work towards.

Ma has already taken her first steps towards that goal by deciding to follow a diet we have both previously tried and succeded in. As for myself, I've decided to cut out bread & dairy, as these seem to cause the most disruption to my insides, and follow a more 'natural' eating plan, which I'll go through in more detail in another post.

Other actions I'll be taking - again, i'll go through the reasons in another post are:

Blogging, facebook & twitter updates every day including any relevant words of wisdom
You tube video diary once per week, also you tube information topics every so often
Once a month progress photo's to visually see progress
Oh yes, and let's not forget eating a healthy diet & exercising on a regular basis!

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