Thursday 29 July 2010

Weight Loss Challenge - Day Four

Yesterday I really amazed myself.

It started off with 32 minutes on the treadmill. Then I spend an hour in the front garden shovelling and sweeping shingle (which isn't easy as we have quite a bit I want moving!). Then the other half tells me we'll be having visitors in a couple of hours, so then next two hours were spent tidying, cleaning, and generally carrying all the bits and pieces that were being 'stored' in the living room, upstairs to their rightful places. After the guests had gone, I had tuna on toast for dinner, followed by a little sit down in front of the TV.

After the dog was taken for his evening constitution, I couldn't really settle. Tried to watch TV, but frankly there was nothing on worth watching so turned the box off and sat outside in the garden watching the chickens.

They weren't doing much, so then decided it'd be a good idea to have another go on the treadmill, for which I completed yet another 30 minutes!

After all that activity yesterday, I thought I would be quite achey this morning, but I'm not. Yes, I can feel my limbs quite lethargic, but I don't know if that is due to the time of the morning it is, or because of yesterday's exercises.

One saving grace is that at least I am not sore, or experienced and cramping yet!!

As for this mornings workout, I have completed my toning routine and without thinking did twice as many ab crunches than normal. My brain was off on other thoughts whilst doing the crunches and I forgot to stop!

No Cardio this morning, trying to give body at least a little bit of a chance to catch up. However I may do some tonight - see how it goes.

Food wise, lost slight control last night so now worried this is will affect my 7lbs weight loss goal for Saturday. Only time will tell on that one. I'll be a little disappointed if I do a video, and not record my weight as 7lbs lighter.

For the next 2 days, it's heads down and eye on the prize time.

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