Thursday 5 August 2010

Weight Loss Challenge - Day Eleven

Today I am feeling totally unmotivated. It started off by waking up at 6am, seeing that the alarm didn't go off and thinking 'ahh perhaps I forgot, cool I'll have a lay in' only for the alarm to go off two minutes later! bugga.

Ah well, so I got up, and before I started exercising I got onto the scales to see how I'm doing. Major mistake!

The scales tell me that I have in the past three days lost 2lbs. Instead of celebrating, I am feeling quite upset, disappointed, angry and unmotivated because what I wanted to see was three, not two! I know, what a half glass empty attitude.

So now I have unnecessarily put myself in this negative state, I began my toning workout - no problems there. However, when it came to the treadmill, I did two minutes, and just stopped. I really wasn't in the mood for it, so I recorded my YouTube video diary instead.

It's amazing how one single thing can have the domino effect. If I hadn't of got onto the scales, I probably wouldn't be feeling like a failure and be in this negative state etc. But hang on a minute, I've lost 2lbs in three days, surely that should be something to be pleased about for heavens sake!?

Part of being a Weight Management Coach is not only being able to be resourceful, but being fully prepared for any situation that could detract from the end goal.

Now I know from past experience that if I allow this 'mood' to continue for too long today, then I am likely to psychologically give up on myself, and resort back to old eating habits. That's what emotional eaters do, they give up, then console their lack of success with food - and lots of it!

Luckily I have devised a small form for just these occasions. Essentially it is designed to identify not only the mood, but the underlying problem that really caused it, and then try and workout not only how to get out of that state of mind, but to assist in recognising the mood in the future and either get out of it quicker, or more preferably, to avoid it altogether by nipping it in the bud.

Of course, it hasn't been physically tried and tested, so this morning before I do anything else, it would be a good idea to see if it actually works!

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