Monday 9 August 2010

Weight Loss Challenge - Day Fourteen

Official weigh in this morning - this week I have lost the grand total of 1lb. Naturally I don't actually mean the word grand, pathetic might be more appropriate. And the reason? well I suspect it may have something to do with three days of stupid indulgence. Never mind, onwards and upwards!

After I had gotten over the shock of this mornings failings, I sat down and had a little think about things.

I am very proud of myself for managing to get up at 6am almost every morning and exercise. As I have said before, emotionally, I really do feel the benefits of a regular workout, so this is something I will take forward with me into this new up and coming week.

Diet / food wise - not so proud. Hand on heart, my eating habits have a changed very slightly, but no where near to the level as I want it to be. This has got to be one of my main focuses this week.

To help myself out in this area, I have decided to do a combination of slimfast (shakes & bars) for breakfast & lunch, and a weight watchers meal (soup or microwave meal) for dinner. I need to learn portion sizes, and I believe that sticking to this plan will help re-educate my brain as to what portion sizes are acceptable to a person of a size I am striving to be.

In my last post, I talked about behaving like the person you want to be now, and not wait until you have experiences your desired weight loss. Thinking this through, the logical next step in my progression is to do precisely that. To stop acting and thinking as a fat person, and more like a slim and healthy one.

This is where my weight management coaching skills really do come in handy! This week, as well as keeping up with exercising, and altering my eating habits, I am also going to work on looking, feeling, and behaving like the desired image I have of myself in my head.

Today I made a good first couple of steps. Carefully chose an outfit for work, instead of picking up the first things that came to hand, and even took the time to put a small amount of make up on, and tidied my hair (instead of just tying it up in a bun just to get it out of the way).

Now this all may seem like very basic stuff, but but taking a little extra time on myself like this is very symbolic for me. It sends the signals not only to myself, but to others, that I am worth it. I take care of myself, I respect myself, and I care about my health and appearance.

I discovered that by taking that extra time on myself this morning, meant I was indeed more confident throughout the day. I walked tall with my head held high! It's amazing what a little bit of foundation, eye liner and some lip gloss can do for a girls ego! :)

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