Friday 6 August 2010

Weight Loss Challenge - Day Twelve

Wow! what a difference a day makes! As mentioned yesterday, I completed my 'mood form' (not it's official name, it's a work in progress!), and I have to say, I did find that the dark cloud lifted slightly.

As the day progressed, I ate sensibly, eating treated myself to a couple of cups of coffee (this happens once maybe twice a year), and went to bed in a timely fashion.

Consequently I woke up this morning feeling refreshed, motivated and as determined as ever! Hurrah!!

You see, this is the effect that a weight management coach can have!

As seems to be the habit I had another 'unofficial' weigh in this morning, (I really must put those scales away until Monday), it would appear that another lb of flesh has somehow disintegrated from my body somewhere. Which makes so far this week a weight loss of 3lbs, and 5lbs since I first started twelve days ago. I think that is what you call slow but steady progress :)

Not only that, but I managed to wake up before the alarm, get my toning workout done with a couple of extra moves and incorporate a small amount of jogging into my treadmill exercise.

Very happy bunny - it just goes to show that life is really all about perspective. Yesterday glass was half glass; what do you mean I've 'only' lost 2lbs so far! Today my glass is positively over flowing!

Word of caution. I do realise that today is Friday, and that ahead of me are now three days where I could potentially undo all this hard work. Main aim of the game now is to keep this momentum and focus up until Monday.

One thing that is in the forefront of my mind, is that my other half has a busy weekend ahead of him, which consequently means I'll be spending quite a bit of the next two days on my own. As an emotional eater, it is usually at this time I take the opportunity to indulge in a little comfort eating, call it loneliness, boredum, or simply because I can be 'naughty' and nobody will know (except for the scales!).

So how do I get around this little obstacal? Well the logical thing would be to plan ahead what I will be doing over the next couple of days as a good distraction. As I do literally have about a millions things I could be doing, ranging from working on my own business, the garden, housework, baking, or enjoying other hobbies I enjoy such as singing, tapestry, watercolour, reading, taking the dog out for an explore etc - I really need to sit down and have a serious think about what I fancy doing this weekend.

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