Wednesday 18 August 2010

Weight Loss Challenge - Day Twenty Two

Last night I delved into the world that is Paul Mckenna 'I Can Make You Thin', and started by watching the half an hour DVD that came free with the book.

As with most people, I have seen him on the television doing his hypnosis stuff, and yes it was mildly amusing for a Saturday night, but it didn't have that 'wow' factor for me, so you can understand my slight scepticism prior to pressing the play button.

And the conclusion? In all honesty it was the funniest half an hour of my life! Funny, but more importantly he actually succeeded in making that all important connection with me. A connection that now makes me very eager to proceed through the 90 day programme whole heartidly! (which is odd, because I'm not usually this easy!)

The DVD starts with him on stage, in front of a small(ish) audience, most of whom are over weight. He goes through a few basic principles of the plan, asking leading questions i.e put your hand up if you've ever done / felt / thought etc. By the hand I was laughing my head off and raising my hand! (so glad it was only the dog & I in the room!!).

Now don't take the laughter the wrong way, it wasn't in jest, it was of relief! What he was saying made so much sense. It was so simple, so straight forward, and so logical! He reinforced his key points perfectly - 'what are you going to do when you're hungry' EAT!!! Yes I was shouting it out with the audience! What are you going to do when you're full - STOP!! even now I am chuckling to myself as I replay the DVD in my mind. :D

Towards the end he asked the audience to raise their hands if they weighed themselves everyday (oh for goodness sake, yes ok, my hand went up!). This was something that had to stop throughout this process. Put those scales away! Um, I beg your pardon? put them away? Er, ok you're the boss I guess.

What I experienced on the DVD wasn't your average Saturday night light entertainment 'hypnotist'. I saw a professional man who had the ability to whip up and motivate the audience (and me), and who not only talked sense, but more importantly made it clear that he could give you the tools, but ultimately the responsibility is yours to follow through with the plan.

With the DVD still in mind, I woke up this morning with a very large void in my brain. Why? well ok, so I can eat what I like, as long as I only eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. What I need to practice today is recognising when I'm actually hungry and not dehydrated and just think I'm hungry. If your eating habits are all out of sync, like mine, you may find this a very strange concept to grasp! Having being used to 'you must eat 3 or 6 times per day, and you must only eat or drink xyz' etc.

The other reason for the void is mainly to do with the scales. I'm 'not allowed' to weight myself now until I'm 30 days into the process. In one way it's odd, as I am so used to hopping on every day, or every other day just to 'check' how things are going. In another way, I do feel a very strange sense of freedom - no more hopping on the scales at any given moment! My what am I going to do with myself!! (Um, that'll be actually have a life then!).

As I said in my previous post, I will follow this 90 day plan faithfully and to the letter, including dumping the scales! (tee hee I feel like such a rebel). I'll include reviews on my progress when I do my usual weekly weight loss challenge review - and hey, you may actually start seeing YouTube videos appearing too!

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